[View with images] Today when I climb I am greeted by a small but interesting change in this tiny kingdom. Some creature has made it a larder. Nestled in a crotch...
For several consecutive days I climb at night. The full moon is gone and the nights are plunged into shadow. Always the sky has a kind of dark glow, stars scattered across...
The first leaves are changing. Along the roadsides, at the edges of fields and woods, there are scatterings of yellow and rust among the green. As you drive along, a few leaves...
I pick up Claire from soccer and then Emme from her friend’s house after a French lesson. The sun is setting as we head for home. As I turn onto the bottom of our road...
Today, arriving home with Claire, I invite her to join me for my second one-legged climb. Though sick, she agrees with alacrity. She shoots up first while I make my slow,...
It is yesterday evening. In a break between episodes of Stranger Things, Emme and I run outside to throw a frisbee on the freshly mown lawn. The evening has cooled and the sun is below...
Georgian Bay. Ontario. Gray and warm, with a strong choppy wind coming in off the water. Yesterday I climbed the tree at 5:03 am before our thirteen hour drive to get here....
Today, up in the tree, I think: it is deep summer. The foam of bedstraw has subsided. Stretched out below me now is the milkweed meadow. Nodding pink-white clusters...
[View with images] Of all the reasons I climb the tree, it would be easy for one to get lost in the shuffle. I climb, I write, I think, I photograph; I lose myself in the tree,...
When I climb today it is 90 degrees. A hundred and ten degrees warmer than the coldest climb I have done, which was -20, back in February. The heat the last few days is suffocating,...
[View with images] After work I take Emme swimming at the Town Pond, where she runs into close friends, and they have a blast horsing around on a huge inner tube–through...
[View with images] A hot afternoon. Later, we will be going to see fireworks on Lake Morey for the Fourth of July. But for now: prayer flags. Both strands need to be replaced....
A gorgeous morning: I climb early and quickly. In my moment of standing in my arboreal perch, I think how different the sound of wind in the leaves is when you are up there...
[View with images] It is a stunning, perfect late June morning, a Thursday. I climb early, 6:30, before heading out of town to climb Camel’s Hump. Both girls are away,...
Each evening at twilight the meadow comes alive. Fireflies float and dart, flashing in the air. There are more this year than we have ever seen before, they drift and flash...
This afternoon and the next we have a spare hour, and on each of them we climb again. The first day we bring up the Canon as well as the iPhone, and spend even longer...
[View with images] Claire’s birthday. I work in the morning and am back by mid-afternoon. We have a few hours before we meet Kim to drive up to Montpelier to go out to dinner...
I climb in the morning. Later in the day, six or eight hours afterwards, I pull a bit of lichen from my hair. I feel around. My whole head is full of crumbled lichen,...
As I stand in the tree today I hear a small flutter. A chickadee has broken through the mantle of foliage and is perched on a twig. For a little while it hops about from...
I get home from work late in the evening and by the time I have a quick bite of dinner it is close to nine. Emme, who is in high spirits, asks if we could go climb the tree,...
Trish and Jeff and Tristan and Finnley are up for the weekend. It was intensely hot today, near 90, and we had an early dinner with Doug, Anne, and Rob. I grilled chicken,...
I am in the tree and it is hot and humid. The leaves hang heavy and it is only May. I happen to have the Canon when a Black-and-white Warbler lands on a nearby branch....
This morning Emme and I set off on foot at 6:50 for walk to school day. It was chilly and sunny and breathtakingly beautiful. The world was silent, raked with sunshine,...
Climbed again around 9:00, in late twilight. Looking up as I climb, the tree is full of countless starburst shapes silhouetted against the sky. Millions of them, it seems,...
After a few cool and cloudy days we have had three days of warmth and sunshine: highs first in the 60s, then the 70s, and today close to 80. Over the course of these three...
I take a pictures in the tree pretty often, and maybe once or twice a month I take a few pictures of myself up there. After all, I am conveying the experience of being in a tree,...
I climb branch to branch. I travel up alongside the trunk, and I might circle it, but I often ascend and descend without ever touching it. How different a tree is if one thinks...
I climbed early today, 6:30 on a Saturday, the rest of the house still sleeping. I slipped out to the car to retrieve a Mother’s Day gift and flowers to hide them away...
Saturday, the air cool, bands of light and dark gray clouds alternating along the sky. The sun threatens to break through every hour or so--a white glare above the hills--but...